Worldbuilding Discord Channel


I founded and manage a 300+ member Discord community dedicated to worldbuilding, creative writing, and collaborative storytelling. The server serves as a hub for aspiring writers, roleplayers, and artists who want to craft original worlds, build compelling characters, and exchange feedback.


Discord, Google Drive, Canva, Trello


The server serves as a hub for aspiring writers, roleplayers, and artists who want to craft original worlds, build compelling characters, and exchange feedback.

  • Resource Library

    Curated world building guides, language creation resources, and artistic inspiration.

  • Live Community Events

    Monthly brainstorming sessions and creative writing sprints.

  • Dedicated Channels

    Organized sections for lore discussions, character creation, and world mechanics.

  • Collaborative Writing Spaces

    Interactive prompts, worldbuilding challenges, and feedback exchanges.

Planned Expansions:

  • Guest Speakers & Expert Panels: Outreach to professional authors and worldbuilders.

  • Exclusive Worldbuilding Contests: Competitions with small prizes to encourage participation.

  • Multimedia Integration: Exploring ways to add maps, AI-generated concept art, and collaborative Google Docs for deeper engagement.


chicago fire


year up